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Cryostats (Cooling Device)

우리 카지노
우리 카지노ryostat equipped on the X-ray astronomy satellite "Hitomi" (launched in 2016)

우리 카지노ryostat for space is 우리 카지노ulmination of Sumitomo Heavy Industries' cryotechnology that combines vacuum containers, liquid helium containers, and cryocoolers. 우리 카지노ryostat is only cooled by 우리 카지노ryocooler, which will become the mainstream in the future.

Item Specifications
Cooling temperature 1.2K
Cooling method Superfluid helium + 4K cryocooler + 20K Stirling cryocooler
Cooling target X-ray detector + magnetic cryocooler
The magnetic cryocooler cools the X-ray detector to 0.05K.
This cryostat absorbs the waste heat of the magnetic cryocooler.
Service life Over 3 years
Actual applications (with liquid cryogen)

Infrared astronomy satellite Akari (ASTRO-F)

X-ray astronomy satellite Hitomi (ASTRO-H)

Actual applications (without liquid cryogen)

Lunar probe Kaguya (SELENE)

Venus probe Akatsuki (PLANET-C)

Climate change observation satellite Shikisai (GCOM-C)

Superconducting Sub-millimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder “SMILES” (equipped on the International Space Station)

Planned launches (with liquid cryogen)

X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)

Planned launches (without liquid cryogen)

X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)

Hyper spectrum sensor (equipped on the International Space Station)

Dual wavelength infrared sensor for satellites (equipped on ALOS-3)

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