Environmental Pollution Prevention

Basic Approach

카지노 커뮤니티 strives to curb waste and other emissions discharged during our business operations as well as to recycle and effectively utilize resources in an effort to reduce our environmental footprint


Curbing Waste Emissions

The target which we have set for waste emissions (including hazardous waste) is to maintain the basic sales unit at a level equal to or below the Japan average for the period from 2017 to 2019
we will promote waste reduction with a particular awareness of the 3R principle
we have advanced our activities to meet the basic target unit of a 4% reduction below the FY2019 level

Amount of waste generated
Amount of waste generated (per basic unit of sales)

Zero-Emissions (Landfill Rate Reduction)

카지노 커뮤니티 defines a zero-emission plant in Japan as one for which the ratio of landfill disposal volume (landfill rate) to waste discharge volume is less than 0
we will meticulously separate waste as part of our aim to have our plants contribute to a sound circular society

Zero waste emissions

Compliance with Act on Promotion of Resource Recycling Related to Plastics

카지노 커뮤니티 manages waste plastic using metrics measuring group-wide emissions and the amount of waste generated per basic unit of sales
243t in FY2023 on a non-consolidated basis
Recycle) plus renewable for plastic packaging materials and consider more comprehensive actions that even look at product components in our aim to engage in operations with a full awareness of the supply chain

Plastic Product Reuse Initiatives

resulting in a significant contributi카지노 커뮤니티o the office’s efforts to recycle reusable plastic

Prevention of Environmental Pollution

Complete Elimination of Organochlorine Chemical Use

We have continued to strive to completely phase out the use of dichloromethane
We have completely eliminated and banned the use of ozone-depleting substances HCFC-225 and HCFC-141b since FY2008 and FY2010

Control of VOC Substance Emissions

and ethyl benzene contained in paint solvents account for at least 90% of VOC substances used by the 카지노 커뮤니티 in Japan
in additi카지노 커뮤니티o further enhancing painting efficiency so that we may reduce the amount of paint and other substances used and thereby contribute to our endeavors to reduce emissions of the substances

VOC emissions

PRTR Substance Emissions and Transfer Volume

and ethyl benzene comprise 90% or more of all PRTR substances

we will expand the application of low-solvent paints and establish and expand solvent recovery and removal equipment so that we may reduce emissions and transfer volume

Emissions and transfer volume PRTR substances

PCB Management and Complete Elimination of Equipment Using PCBs

These devices have been systematically detoxified pursuant to the Act on Special Measures Concerning Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Wastes