Opening Ceremony for New Manufacturing Plant at Tangshan, China

June 08, 2009

The ceremony was extremely well attended and among others participating were President

) Construction Machinery has been striving to develop environmentally friendly products and now the company is proud to be rated the best in economical efficiency for the industry

Outline of manufacturing plant

Company name강원 랜드 카지노vy Industries
(Tangshan) , Ltd.
Sumitomo (S.H.I.)
Construction Machinery
(Tangshan) Co., Ltd.
Manufactured productsGear reducersHydraulic excavators
LocationTangshan Modern Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park
Hebei Province
Area000 평방 미터000 평방 미터
Amount of facility investmentsJPY4 billion approx.JPY4 billion approx.
Volume of production
(this fiscal year)
---800 units
Number of employees140 approx.150 approx.
Capital compositionSumitomo
Heavy Industries
) Construction Machinery Co
Completion of manufacturing plant12월 2008
Start of productionFebruary 2009

Opening Ceremony for New Manufacturing Plant at Tangshan, China