First Order Received for Coal Fired Power Plant Facilities in Indonesia

March 5, 2013

President: Yoshinobu Nakamura) received an order for a coal fired power plant intended for a major national resource company in Indonesia

SHI has been taking part in activities related to bidding by Sumitomo Corporation and officially concluded a contract with Sumitomo Corporation for the delivery of a set of power plant facilities

This opportunity is believed to have come about since SHI conducted activities relating to combusti온 카지노ests of low grade coal from Indonesia using CFB pilot test facility

the combustion air is injected from the bottom and uniformly mix the fuel and efficiently combust various types of fuels

for power generation facilities and cogeneration facilities in the Asian market

·Contract month: February 2013
· Planned date for completion of construction: July 2015
· Capacity: Power generation capacity of 30MW x 2 units (gross output of power generation)

Conceptual drawing